New EP release!


Studio by the river in the New Forest

Studio by the river in the New Forest

Hey everyone! Things have been a little quiet on this site for a while but there has been loads going on behind the scenes.

In June I spent a week in the New Forest working on four new songs for release on a new EP in the not too distant future. I mixed them recently with Oli Horton at Dreamtrak Studio, and am getting them ready to release ASAP, with artwork and videos all on their way.

The new tracks are all about navigating different aspects of every day life through a feminist lens. They are:

Stay Away From Me – a track about finally learning to stand up for yourself and get someone out of your life who is no good for you.

Good Guys – a song about dating men while feminist. Trying to reject societal rules about relationships without writing off love and romance completely.

Such a Girl – reflections on femmephobia and how patriarchal gender expectations which denigrate women for being ’emotional’ and require men to suppress their feelings really suck for everyone.

I Built a Fort – a song about responding to the stresses of living in a sexist, racist, homophobic and downright scary world by building a pillow fort and refusing to come out of it.

I hope to share these new songs with you very soon! In the meantime, you can listen to a cover I recorded of 100,000 Fireflies by The Magnetic Fields:


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